Happy Winter
I want to thank the LORD and those of you that shared your resources so that the LORD’s mission at Shepherd’s HOPE can keep serving our neighbors. We are still doing renovations to certain areas of the building: electrical, painting, tile and general cleanup. There are areas in the building that need corner moldings and baseboards added and there are lockers to be painted, some floor tiles that need to be replaced and the ceiling throughout the building needs a fresh coat of paint. We are also working on what was the principal’s office so that at the beginning of 2020 we can move a dental and vision clinic in that space.
$$ We Need Your Help! $$
Shepherd’s HOPE what it is today, a bright shining light in a dark place getting brighter every day. We need everybody involved with Shepherd’s HOPE to pray to the LORD to see in what way HE wants them to get involved. THANK YOU, LORD!
When we were in the planning stages, while on my knees at the corner of 57th and Lowe, sharing with the LORD why this plan of HIS wouldn’t work, HE hesitated and quietly said, “All I want is for you to be obedient to my will and I will take care of the rest.” I said, “I can do that,” and we’ve been doing it ever since: from the 1.000 sq ft Food Pantry to the Feeding Center and now to THE CENTER. We’ve been told from day one by our inner circle, to the people from the community, businessmen, and clergy that this is not sustainable. You will never be able to raise enough money to keep serving your neighbors year after year. I told them that this is the LORD’s, not ours, and as long as we are obedient, trusting in HIM and HIM alone, with no false expectation and doing HIS will for HIS glory, HE will provide!
This is our 11th year of serving our neighbors during the holiday season. They said it is not sustainable, JESUS said trust no man and because we trusted HIM, Shepherd’s HOPE has become more than we could ever imagine. Because of this, the evil one has been relentless, attacking the ministry and myself, even using people in our inner circle.
Please keep us in your prayers
We are very grateful for your support!
We want to thank you, our support team, for trusting the LORD by sharing your hard-earned resources with the mission of Shepherd’s HOPE and for trusting us to use it for HIS glory so HIS kingdom can grow in this dark, depraved world.
I believe that if we all keep working together, sharing our gifts, talents, time and resources for HIS glory (Acts 2:45), the mission of Shepherd’s HOPE by sharing THE CENTER with GOD fearing ministries, GOD will show us things we have never seen or could imagine (Acts 2:43-44)
Without Christ followers working together and praying for each other, we will be easy prey for our spiritual enemies. AMEN! AMEN!
Shepherd’s HOPE: 3 Goals for the Holiday Season
Thanksgiving Groceries
1) Purchase enough food to provide 750 Thanksgiving grocery bags with all the fixin’s for a
a meal for a family of four at a cost of $2.30 per person times 3000 people equals $6,900.00. The food has already been ordered and will be delivered on November 23, 2019.
Warm coats for the winter
2) To accumulate enough coats, hats, gloves and scarfs to keep 100 adults and 100 youth in our community warm this winter. Please help us by donating new or gently worn coats etc. or $50.00 for adult winter outerwear and $45.00 for youth winter apparel. We already have some coats etc. that have been donated, but we need many more to meet the need. We need all donated items by December 7, 2019.
Building renovation
3) We also need to raise $16,000 to complete the renovations of the building. This includes electrical work, painting, tile, corner molding and baseboard in hallways and the main office.
We want all the ministries sharing THE CENTER to know they are all equally part of this movement to eliminate the darkness and make Englewood a community of people seeking the light. As we all equally work together toward the same goal, we most certainly want it to be from the same perspective.
This mission is totally a team effort!
and you the people who share your hard-earned resources so GOD can be glorified are an integral part of that team! AMEN! AMEN! What a team it is! If you would like to become a part of this team, please feel free to contact us at 773-756-3535 ext 0 or send an email to info@shepherdshopechicago.org.
Thank you for your overwhelming generosity!
$91.60 Provides 10 families a Thanksgiving Meal
$916.00 Provides 100 families a Thanksgiving Meal
$3206.00 Provides 350 families a Thanksgiving Meal.
Operating Cost for Food Pantry & Family Feeding Center
$87.00 Will provide 1 hour of ministry
$700.00 Will provide 1 day of ministry
$3,500.00 Will provide 5 days of ministry
$ 7,000.00 Will provide 10 days of ministry
$21,000.00 Will provide 1 month of ministry