Butch is a gentlemam I met about 5 years ago at our feeding center one Friday afternoon. Butch had come there to promote a humanitarian program he had put together to help kids in under-resourced communities. Butch was raised in Englewood back in the 40’s and 50’s and had a rough childhood.
On this Friday as I was greeting people as I normally do on days when we are serving hot meals, I was introduced to Butch. After a brief exchange with him, I continued on to greet other people when the Holy Spirit whispered in my ear to “go share your story with that gentleman”. Immediately I went back and reintroduced myself and asked Butch what type relationship he had with JESUS CHRIST. He told me that he had given his life to Christ 3 times at Billy Graham revivals but that he hadn’t been to church in years. I proceeded to share my story with Butch. Five minutes into my presentation, Butch was in tears. At this point I knew the Holy Spirit had taken over. Butch shared with me that the night before he was smoking pot and living sexually outside of God’s will. As I was ready to depart, I told him we were having bible study at 10:30 the next morning across the street in the basement of the church. He has been part of our ministry since, volunteering at our food pantry and feeding center and attending bible study on a regular basis. He is so excited about serving JESUS that about 2 years ago we asked him (and he agreed) to become part of our board of directors. His love of JESUS is contagious and has been instrumental in introducing JESUS to many lost souls.
We love you, Butch.