Walter is one of those lost sheep that Butch’s contagious spirit brought to bible study. Walter enjoys learning about JESUS from people who have walked with HIM for many years and from others who have only been on the journey a few months. He loves the camaraderie and the joy that the Holy Spirit brought to the gathering. Walter, at a point, was not ready to live according to God’s will. He didn’t yet understand the power of the Holy Spirit working in a man totally surrendered to JESUS. I’ve known Walter for about 3- years and finally, a few months ago after 54 years of living according to his own will, getting the same results, he has decided to try JESUS’s way. He is a stubborn man with a lot of pride just as I was at his age. We pray for him everyday. He is now working for the ministry and helps lead the bible study we have every morning before we go to work.
I love to watch JESUS come alive in someone. Walter, who has been resisting HIM for years, has finally come to understand John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth and life. No one comes to the father except through me.” Walter now understands the truth of why we were created, to glorify JESUS , and JESUS alone.