Darryl’s Story

Darryl Coleman: what a story! Darryl and I have known each other for about 12 years.      Before I knew him, he was a self-proclaimed gang banger, always hustling the streets. When he came to work for my construction business, he was a man seeking Christ. This seeking journey which was “self” motivated took him through the dregs of what he called the Christian community. I had the “pleasure” (tongue in cheek) of meeting some of the self-purveying men of God. Every one of them was out to use God for their own personal gain. What a pity. Darryl seemed to gravitate to these people, which didn’t say too much about his Christian journey. So Darryl, while trying to change his life to rise out of the muck and mire of the world seemed to be getting further away from the Lord because of the distorted gospel that was being preached. He eventually became a part of these organizations for short periods of time, but the prosperity gospel being taught and the shady deals going on behind the scenes finally opened Darryl’s eyes to the blasphemers’ life styles, which actually ended in a jail sentence for one of them.

It was at this point that we were in the planning stages of Shepherd’s HOPE. Darryl was starting to come around on a regular basis. He became a part of the first volunteer team and was now a part of a Bible-believing church. He became a mentor of that first group of volunteers. After serving for about two years and mentoring a couple groups of volunteers, Darryl and his new wife Theresa decided that they wanted to do something for the LORD through a preschool for children of mothers who had limited or no funds for childcare. About 2 years ago they opened Pass-it-on Academy at 63rd and California. Because of their limited funding, Shepherd’s HOPE supplied the food for the program so the children could eat. The daycare is in another devastated area of Englewood. Darryl says the meal the children get at the academy is the only meal many of the children will eat all day. Today they also have an after school program for the children of this community who really need a safe place to go when school is out. Last winter Shepherd’s HOPE partnered with Darryl and Theresa to provide winter coats and gloves for their students. What a blessing they have been for this community and GOD’s kingdom. Thank you, Darryl and Theresa for being selfless servants, stepping out of your comfort zone and giving it all up to JESUS. I know how much you both have suffered, but I also know from experience that if you stay obedient to GOD’s will, He will take care of the rest.

Today Pass-it-on Academy serves 50 children from this Englewood community. Darryl and Theresa use this ministry to love on these children by teaching them how to live a biblically based life, teaching them right from wrong; in a culture where “feel goods” take precedence over living life by GOD’s standards. Only GOD!  Watch a video of Darryl’s story.

This is just one of many stories of how God has used Shepherd’s HOPE to bring the light of JESUS to lost souls and then how he has used these people to help build HIS kingdom. Amen!

To keep this life change taking place and GOD’s kingdom growing in the Englewood community we need your support. We really need your help in these tough economic times. Many of the programs for the poor in Englewood have closed in recent years. Please help keep God’s light shining brightly in this neighborhood.

NOTE: Pass-It-On Academy is also part of THE WAY, a collaborative of ministries working together to serve Englewood one life at a time.

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